Song of Solomon 8:7 Love

Love (Song of Solomon 8:7)

During a time when society was struggling to find itself, the songwriter Joni Mitchell addressed the issue of love. She wrote,

Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels, the dizzy dancing way you feel, when every fairy tale comes real, I’ve looked at love that way. But then it’s just another show, you leave ‘em laughing then you go, and if you care don’t let them know, don’t give yourself away. I’ve looked at love from both sides now, from give and take and then somehow, It’s love’s illusions I recall, I really don’t know love at all.

What is love and where can a person find it? True love goes far beyond that sentimental ushy-gushy, feel-good experience that’s centered on emotions or requires some physical pleasure. That’s Hollywood’s type of love. Rarely will you experience that type of love anywhere but through the silver screen. The type of love that God wants you to have does not stop at infatuation, the aligning of yourself with similarities you perceive in others, or that ever so daily friendship or family type of love that far too often is taken for granted. Biblical love is total unconditional commitment no matter what the cost. If society finds love in relationships and actions of love, then the love of the greatest relationship and the greatest act is found in the Person and work of Jesus Who died for you at Calvary and lives to love you even today.

Another songwriter named Solomon addressed the issue of love. Here’s what he wrote in his love song in the Song of Solomon 8:7 (isn’t this the type of love that everyone should find?). He wrote,

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: for if a man would exchange all the substance of his house for that type of love, it would be utterly rejected.

What is God’s type of love? It is selfless, sacrificial, and very, very special.

Around one of the holidays, a little girl wrote this letter to Jesus. She wrote, Dear Jesus, Just by being born, You let love into this world. When people love, we open our wallets and distribute some cash. When Jesus loves, He opens His arms and dies. When people love, we give of our time, our talents, and our energy. But, when Jesus loves, He gives everything He has. He gives Himself for us for this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and gave Himself as a satisfaction for our sins (1 John 4:10).

This holiday season, would you like to experience some lasting reality in your relationships of love? Make Jesus the love song of your life. His is a love that’s far more powerful than the many waters that fill the tear ducts of your existence or any other flood of circumstance that threatens the relationships in your life. Want love? Get Jesus. He knows, He loves, He deeply, deeply cares.

Praise the Lord: This past week, 26 4th-6th graders made decisions for Christ (salvation and/or assurance). Please pray for their active discipleship.

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