Lisa’s Story


Lisa’s Story (Romans 1:16)

Some time ago I came across this article. It’s entitled Lisa’s Story. It’s a first person account of a dedicated believer living under the old anti-God Soviet regime. Based on Romans 1:16, it challenges us in the 21st century to keep our commitments current for Jesus Christ. In her own words, Lisa’s Story reads like this,

One day the teacher announced to our class, Today you will write a composition entitled Lenin’s Place in My Heart. You should write what Lenin has done for you and your family. Of course you will write that Lenin occupies the main place in your heart and that you love him very much.

Lisa was a preacher’s kid. Her father Georgi Vins was doing time in a Siberian prison for living out his faith. As her classmates began to write, Lisa prayed, O God, what shall I do? Only You, Lord Jesus are in my heart, not Lenin. If I write candidly about this, I will have many problems. What shall I do, Lord Jesus?

God brought to her recollection Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Lisa began to write,

Lenin is a famous man. But he is only a man, not God. I love Jesus. My heart belongs to Him, so there is no room in my heart for Lenin.

When the class ended and the teacher read her report, Lisa was in trouble, but not with God. Soon, her composition became the property of the Soviet Secret Police. It was read publicly in all the classrooms and discussed with all the students. In response, Lisa said these words,

I was so glad. Because of my composition, many people at school were hearing about Jesus and my love for Him.

Since the break-up of the Soviet Union, Lisa and her father returned to that school in Kiev, gave public witness to Christ in assemblies, and they’ve seen hundreds of students and teachers receive salvation because of Lisa’s commitment to her faith.

Christ said in Matthew 10:32-33,

That whoever confesses Him publicly, He will confess in heaven. Whoever denies Him before men, He will deny before His Father Who is in heaven.

This is the victory that overcomes the values of this world, even our faithfulness to Jesus Christ (1 John 5:4).

If we are ashamed of the gospel, are we are a shame to the gospel? God wants His followers to live in the power of His name. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how’s your commitment to Christ? Are you keeping your commitments current? Before your boss, your family members, and your fellow workers, is yours a Lisa’ Story?

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